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Organize Global Reserve Fund Backed By Every National Reserve Fund; & Orchestrate It Into Credits Awarded For A Living Wage & Living Expenses Paid With Enough To Get By With the Wealth of the Kingdom, Organize The Rain Technology In the Websites To Produce Benefits Prepared Yet First Lay Railways Upon The Lands That Are Ready; Then Roads; Then Housing & Community Investments To City Investments To Corporate Investments To National To Global Investments, This Would Make Trade Much More Simple; Then Begin Investing In A Strategic Layout of the Land With Many Investors & With Many Developers To Work For the Investors & The Developers to Pay Their Workers; While The Whole Time Using the Rain Tech in the Website, Then Build Farms In Undeveloped Land & Develop Road Housing & Communities In Developing Lands & Create New Future Tech Buildings; The Coordinate Planetary Credits; Meats Heavier Star System Credits To Heavier Galactic Credits; Traded In Purpose And Funded Really By The Technologies Within Supporting It.

1 Core In Deep Oceans To Erupt Deep Sea Volcanoes To Lessen Volcanic Pressure In the Land based Volcanos Especially Super volcanos. Clone the Wooly Mammoth In Herds And Give It For Sustenance For the Peoples; MORE MEAT LESS DEATH.
2. Build Barges Of Which Uptake Ocean Water And Boil It In Tanks Upon The Barge For Evaporation Leading To Desalinated Rainfall, Which While Using Weather Currents Could Give Fresh Water To Once Dry Lands,
3. As The Ecosystems Begin To Grow, Plant Farms Upon The Lands Interconnected With Railways For Transportation of Such Food To Newly Invested In Communities.
4 Utilize Electrolysis Separating the 2 Parts Hydrogen From the 1 Part Oxygen; The Oxygen Would Be Offshoot Leading To Fresh Air, And The Hydrogen Could Be Super-cooled To A Liquid Gas. Hydrogen is 3 Times More Efficient Than Fossil Fuels and Burns Clean.
5. Get Corporations To Invest In Branching Out Globally For The Following Works, Bring All The Riches in the National Reserve Banks Into A Massive Global Reserve Bank And Begin Printing A New Global Dollar Backed By That Global Reserve.
6. Set Up A One World Government For The Growth of The Global Trade and Infrastructure Electing Officials Based On Knowledge And Tact.
7. Bring Forth the "Telomerase" Immortalizing Gene And Release It To The Populous Yet Give Halt On New Children By Placing Contraceptive in the Immortalizing Gene Halting Population Growth and Saving So Many
If An Asteroid Approaches; Utilize Maglev For An Anti-Gravity Rocket With A Strongest Relative Matter And Have it With A Spike At the Point of the Direction the Rocket Is Facing With A Cushion That Slows With Pneumatic Pressure And Locks When The Rocket Pierces Asteroid and Have a Secondary Fuel System To Move The Asteroid of Meteor From the Path of This Planet Hebron. Live Long And Prosper.
With Excess Oxygen Create Covalent Bonds of 3 parts Oxygen Creating Ozone To Place In The Stratosphere To Halt Global Warming

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